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Did you know? indiscriminate heart attacks can attack anyone

Did you know? indiscriminate heart attacks can attack anyone

Taukah kamu? serangan Jantung yang tak pandang bulu dapat menyerang siapapun

Serangan jantung yang mematikan mengintai generasi muda. Penyakit ini sudah tak pandang bulu lagi. Ia sulit dideteksi hingga tiba-tiba si penderita tumbang.Minggu (31/7/2016), Mike Mohede masih beraktivitas seperti biasa. Sore harinya, Mike ditemukan tidak sadarkan diri dan dinyatakan meninggal dunia di usia ke-32 akibat serangan jantung. Kisah di atas adalah ultimatum bagi kaum muda sekarang untuk mengantisipasi penyakit jantung yang bisa hinggap kapan saja. #TheTrueHealingIsYourself

Penyakit ini dapat menyerang siapapun termasuk usia muda. Penyakit jantung tidak melihat siapa yang akan diserang, jadi ketika tiba-tiba kamu merasakan gejalanya, segera pergi ke dokter dan lakukan pemeriksaan. Selalu rajin untuk cek jantungmu secara berkala di rumah sakit dengan Aell sebagai pelindung data rekam medismu.

Tidak hanya faktor kesehatan, gejala penyakit jantung juga dapat dirasakan karena ada faktor lain salah satunya stress tinggi karena pekerjaan. untuk mengantisipasinya, jangan kebanyakan lembur dan percayakan bisnismu kepada Temindo agar lebih efisien dan hemat. Untuk info lebih lanjut 

Did you know? indiscriminate heart attacks can attack anyone

A deadly heart attack lurks the younger generation. This disease is indiscriminate anymore. He was difficult to detect until suddenly the sufferer fell. Sunday (7/31/2016), Mike Mohede was still active as usual. In the afternoon, Mike was found unconscious and declared dead at the age of 32 due to a heart attack. The story above is an ultimatum for young people now to anticipate heart disease that can land at any time. #TheTrueHealingIsYoureself

This disease can affect anyone, including young people. This can occur because of lifestyles, high stress and an unhealthy environment. Heart disease does not see who will be attacked, so when you suddenly feel the symptoms, immediately go to the doctor and do an examination. Always be diligent to check your heart regularly at the hospital with Aell as a protector of your medical record data.

This disease can affect anyone, including young people. Heart disease does not see who will be attacked, so when you suddenly feel the symptoms, immediately go to the doctor and do an examination. Always be diligent to check your heart regularly at the hospital with Aell as a protector of your medical record data.

Not only health factors, heart disease symptoms can also be felt because there are other factors, one of which is high stress due to work. to anticipate it, don’t overtime and entrust your business to Temindo to be more efficient and economical. For more information

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The True Healing Is Yourself

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